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Email Form

Please use this form to request advice by email.

Please note, we aim to respond to email advice requests within five working days and we cannot deal with urgent enquiries by email. If your enquiry is urgent, please do not request email advice – call 0808 800 0510 or 0808 800 0511 (Get Help for alternative ways to get advice and for our opening times.)

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    If your enquiry involves relationship breakdown or a dispute with someone else, please give the Name, Date of Birth and Postcode of the other party, if known. We may have to refer you elsewhere if we have already advised them.

    As part of the advice session, we will ask you for some details about yourself and the issue you are looking for help with. We will use this information to provide you with advice as well as to improve our service and inform our campaigns. If you want more detail about your rights and how we use your information you can read our privacy notice on our website.

    Privacy Policy – Stroud and Cotswold Districts

    * indicates required information