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Email Form

Please use this form to request advice by email.

Please note, we aim to respond to email advice requests within five working days and we cannot deal with urgent enquiries by email. If your enquiry is urgent, please do not request email advice – call 0808 800 0510 or 0808 800 0511 (Get Help for alternative ways to get advice and for our opening times.)

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    In order for us to help you this message needs to be sent to us, which means it is recorded on our computer system. If you do not agree to this you will need to contact us another way.

    All information you provide is used solely for helping you and will not be disclosed to anyone else without your consent, unless the law requires us to do so. By choosing to include Special Category Data (including but not limited to information about your health, ethnicity or trade union membership) you are consenting to us using this information for this purpose.

    To find out how we use your information, please see our Privacy Policy.

    * indicates required information